@Megan no way dry steering that’s crazy that’s what I got taught too so I turn the wheel as the cars going how annoying
Yes you’re supposed to turn the wheel while the car is moving. I didn’t, I turned the wheel and then moved the car because that’s what my instructor taught me
Make sure you do you head checks. Don't spend, always be a km or two under to allow for error.
@Megan are you aloud to ask an instructor that before hand
@Bella look out for stopping lines that don't have a stop sign. They use to take us to a particular road where there was a stop line but no sign and it was an Automatic fail if you didn't stop.
@Prit ok will do Thank you hun x
@Bella I don’t see why no, maybe just phrase it in a way that you’re asking because you’ve been told multiple different things and just want clarification on the correct way
I failed on a 3 point turn because I was dry steering (turning the wheel without the car moving) I was tought that way by my instructor during my lessons so I didn’t know it wasn’t allowed. One thing I do remember being commented on in a positive way was that I was very good at my head checks, I made sure I moved my head completely when looking and not just glancing with my eyes to mirrors.