I’m a mental health occupational therapist. Contacting your duty line for the health visitor team may trigger an urgent clinician referral for your perinatal mental health team if you don’t have the strength to self refer. I haven’t worked in the UK since 2018 as I was living in Australia but charities such a MIND may also have signposting options for your local area??
Thank you, I'll try calling the health visitor after 9am if not try 111. Being a mum is so tough isn't it just wanted to add I'm functioning for little one so no need to worry about him
I can’t stop thinking about you. Regarding “I can’t do this” - happy to brain storm with you if you think it’ll help?? As in tasks ?? Or living ??
You CANNOT self refer to Perinatal. It has to be done by a medical professional. 111 can put you on some temporary meds till you can see your GP but I would still book in to see them even if it's not for 3 weeks. I've been through a lot a MH programmes if you wanted to be talked though it my inbox is always open
The samaritans you can call any time for a chat.
Thanks ladies I'm ok luckily I have a lovely boy to keep me going but will get help asap
Managed to get an urgent GP appointment at another surgery this evening
Maybe write some dot points to get out what you need to say in case you feel you may forget some of the things to say to the Dr
I’m with you on this girl… here if you need someone to talk to
Sorry you are feeling this way.. you can self refer to perinatal mental health team or 111 who can transfer you to crisis line... or the samaritans perhaps they're a 24/7 service whom you can speak to for now.