Funding starts the term after they reach the qualifying age so as she's 2 in June she gets the 30hr (if you're working) funding from September If you're already working you can apply for a code in early March to get the 15hrs from 1st April and that would go up to 30hr in Sept
Yeah I work part time! So if I wanted her to start asap. So like next month I wouldn’t be able to get it funded due to term dates? Or would I have the option of claim the 85% back
It's likely you've missed the deadline now for the funded hours this term but you can get the 15hrs from April but you'd need a code in mm early March to gey it from April
I can see I missed the deadline for the funded hours but don’t see any term dates connected to the 85% back from UC. So I’m thinking there’s not term dates connected to this one which means I’ll get 85% of the paid nursery /childminder fees
There's no term dates for UC help just funding x
Thank you!!! Xx
If it’s anything like the 9 month one you can claim the hours the term after she turns two. So if she turns 2 on April 15th for example, you can claim the hours from Sept term