No period. EBF
I combi feed and no period ladies but I was worried but now not so much xo
I got mine back a few days ago worse thing ever
@Katelyn oh why?!
Mine came back one week ago
@Jennifer because I haven’t had one since like 4 months ago or so and as soon as I start it I had dental surgery done and I’ve had a headache past 2-3 days now and it’s bad
Not yet, but I’m breastfeeding
Not yet. I thought I was going to get it the other day, turns out I just needed to 💩 😭🤣🤣
@Esperanza Rios Fair enough 😂
No period, just spotting every so often
I’m 5 months strong, I breast feed as well as offer bottles (breast milk). I honestly don’t miss my cycle 😂
Exclusively breast feed and mine came back like clockwork at 6 weeks my baby is 5 months now
No period, EBF. I had a spotting episode, but could be sex related 🫣
Not yet EBF and baby is a week away from 6 months.
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That's a relief that we are all in the same boat of having no period 😊
Ladies! I got my period last night!
@Jennifer Oh yeah. Mine didn’t come back for 10m with my first. It was glorious 💃🏻
@Esperanza Rios how coincidental! That you commented and then it arrived xo
@Rosalie that actually made me laugh.... It was glorious xo
I am combo feeding but mostly breast and no period