Birth plan

At what week appt do we discuss with midwife? X
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My midwife said 36 weeks x

Mine is at 34 x

Mine also said 36

Had mine at 26 weeks but mainly because I had to tell them if I wanted to go for VBAC or planed section . However we didn’t go in deep details and I’m having my proper birth plan discussion with a doctor at 32 weeks ( please note that everyone pregnancy is different so what might seem like the norm for some ( like me ) might not exactly be the norm ) I ain’t allowed to go pass 38 weeks due to medical reasons and I’m a high risk pregnancy

Mines said 36 weeks x

My consultant told me that my midwife should start discussing it at 34 weeks x

Normally 36 x

Mines booked in for 34 weeks x

34 weeks for me x x

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