Still on 2 as well , I tried 3 maybe 2 months ago and she was okayish but spluttering a bit and it would have been gone within 5 mins!
Just moved on to size 3 but I think might be too fast for her. She’s 6m and 2 weeks. X
We use size 1 still, but she is on expressed breast milk, not formula
Size 3 for the past 2 months and works perfectly for our little man. Size 2 was just too slow for him. 5 months 3 weeks now
Thanks. Been using size 3 for a few months now so just wondering if anyone had moved on.. I think the pace of feeding is still OK so will stick with 3 for a bit!
We are using the X teats. He was starting to hit the bottle on the 3s and his intake reduced. Moved to the Xs and now back to normal.
We're still on 1 but he is a guzzler and kept choking himself on number 2 haha
We are still one size 1 and she can finish the bottle in minutes, so not sure we’ll ever need to move her up
We got size X due to my cat chewing his 3 teats and they only had X in the shop, didn’t even notice a difference and my boy is fine with them so they stuck x
@Georgia that's hilarious! 🤣
We're still on size 2! Tried a couple of times to move to 3 but she'd just choke and splutter then refused to eat. Will try again in a week now she's 6 months.