Mine didn’t start back up until 6 months pp due to exclusively breastfeeding. I’ve always had heavy periods but when they started back up they were way more heavier and I experienced really bad cramps which I never used to get. That all started to calm down by my 4th period xx
My first 5 periods were very heavy, not more painful than usual but definitely more heavy than before
First period was heavy but then after it returned to a normal light 5 day period every 28 days
They’ve been heavy
Mine was heavy but not painful at all, but my pre-pregnancy periods had been excruciating. I’ve not really had period pains since I’ve had my kids thankfully!
The first one back was unreal in terms of heaviness. I’d never experienced a period like that before. But by the third cycle it was basically back to normal.
First two were fine, third one came from hell
The worst. Passed a clot the size of a matchbox car. Absolutely wild. I’m fine tho lol
My first was actually ok…. My second however. Hell no
Mine got heavier and longer but now i dont have cramps
Mine went from 3-5 days to a full 7 days. Consistent in flow. Also no more cramps.
Mine was actually alot lighter then the second and third ones were really heavy not painful just heavy kept bleeding through. Then I got pregnant again đź«Ł