@Hayley the last couple of days I’ve felt a bit better. I’ve been so scared to even walk to the corner shop. I pushed myself with my son after school and managed it and took him to the park. My partner would love to come it’s just his work doesn’t always allow him to come out of work. I haven’t yet seen a doctor as anxiety has been getting the worst of me. I really hope I can continue to push myself. The doctors here are mostly locom doctors who don’t even want to check my notes. It’s sad really! 😩
@Jodie sorry I thought I'd replied to you. Your doing well it's hard to push yourself. Oh I get that i think it's the same anywhere that's why I know say it on my notes you have then they look or I don't know if you have the nhs app I've had to explain on of my problems and shown them via a print out of diagnosis from hospital. And it should be shown on my noted i have adhd. Is their anyone else who could come with you if your partner can't? Yes it's bad everywhere.
Low vitamin D or anemia?? I used to get really light headed & just feel spaced out from anemia. I'd recommend seeing if a GP can do some bloods to check. Anxiety can cause you to have fear of things like blacking out so if you've got yourself in a cycle of panic about leaving the house to get to the school it might be somewhat related to the physical symptoms xx
@Emma I have quite bad anxiety, I locked myself in the house over Christmas and new year apart from appointments but I think I haven’t helped myself really. But lately I’ve been feeling a lot better! I’ve been drinking a lot more water and drowning out my morning sickness. I feel a lot better! All my bloods are up to date and I’m sure there’s nothing in them as I haven’t heard anything
I had this condition several times, with me it was because my blood pressure dropped down and normally I have high blood pressure...Once I just slept for two days in the row and was an effort to go to the toilet but it was before I had my daughter...and once I had it with my daughter, this time I ate something Salty and it helped me slightly but I stayed home all day on my bed as I looked like a zombie... How is your blood pressure? Also can be a low iron
@Jodie glad to hear your feeling a lot better, anxiety can be the worst xx
Just thought I'd pop and say hi as I completely understand you not trusting drs I have a similar issue. I've learnt with drs you have to he firm for them to listen its not easy. But I would push yourself to check bloods etc you could be anemic too. My way of explaining my issues with drs is it's in my notes. Would your partner not come to the drs with you for support? But your not alone. But remember your health for your family and baby.