
So I had a scan at 30 weeks where baby was on 50th centile I then had another scan at 32 weeks where baby had dropped to 7th centile so below the line she’s needed to be on, I had another scan yesterday at 34 weeks and she’s now on 13th centile so just above the line. The doctor then said I’ve got another scan at 36 weeks and if she drops again I’ll have to have an induction. Has anyone else experienced this or has anyone’s baby stayed above the line after this time?
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I have a similar situation with baby dropping percentiles and waiting for follow up scan in two weeks to see where baby is tracking. No advice to share but you’re not alone. It can be worrying but I’m trying to remember that baby is getting all the necessary monitoring and if anything needs to happen they’ll let you know ❤️

Experiencing this at the moment. Bump measurement (not very accurate) was below 1st centile so was referred for a scan and baby was under 10th centile. Had another scan last week and they were up to 17th centile. Have a repeat scan next week. Been told if growth trajectory stays ok then no action needed. If baby drops though, may need to consider induction. Even with scans the margin of error is 20% each way. My girl before this pregnancy had small head measurements throughout between 1-5th centiles but in the last few weeks ended up catching up a bit. Think the highest we ended up on was 15th centile. She was born 15 days overdue and head was fine (in proportion). Some babies are just a bit smaller! Anything between 1st-100th centile is normal. They do a lot of growing in these final weeks so likely they will stay above. They just like to be cautious if below and check blood flow/placenta. You can decline early induction if it doesn’t feel right.

My girl has gone from 18th centile to 2nd, then went up to 6th and then dropped again yesterday to 2.4th centile, so it's likely they'll want to induce me too when I have my next scan at 37 weeks. At a few scans they haven't been able to get the best measurements because of her positioning, however I don't in any way look 35 weeks pregnant so I think they're right that she will probably be quite small. I'm hoping she hasn't dropped further and will have grown a little as would like to avoid being induced but obviously will accept if there is anything putting her at risk. It's worth remembering that even the scans aren't completely accurate, and a sonographer told me yesterday to take it all with a pinch of salt especially the EFW. Definitely just keep more of an eye on baby's movements and any concerns go and get checked and as Lauren said they will check the blood flow and fluid levels 🙂

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