@A’Lona she’s a year old and I’ve tried the teething tablets/ gel. Froze water in her binky and bottle. Gave her teething toys. But she wants nothing.
It sounds like you’ve tried a lot. Maybe try some fresh air and sunshine if possible. If not, maybe cuddle and ride it out/ re try solutions as time passes. You can try using headphones so her crying isn’t as loud right in your ear…
Did you try a bath? Maybe join her and play as well, examine her body maybe she gassy move her legs around and massage her belly.
Did you try Tylenol? That’s the only thing that would give my daughter some relief while teething. Teething tablets didn’t help her much. We had four teeth come in within two weeks at 12 months. This too shall pass! I hope y’all get some answers. Wishing you the best!
Camilia teething drops helped and I heard with fussy babies, when it doubt try nature or water. When my daughter gets inconsolable usually drawing up a bath and letting her play in it helps.
Maybe try going for a drive? I go on one when my daughter is fussy from teething and with some music she relaxes and falls asleep.
Maybe take her to the dr? Little ones stick things in their mouths so much. It's possible she swollowed something.
Does she calm down if you are holding her and cuddling her?
@Callie if I hold her she calms down. But as soon as I put her down she cries
Well that is good she is consolable. Maybe she is just extra needy today and is needing some extra mom cuddles to help her feel better
Could be constipated with a stuck and ouchy poop. Also seems like teething. Definitely Tylenol or Motrin. The Dr. Talbots tablets helped us too. Just ordered Dr. greens Nature Profen for baby…lots of moms on here swear by it.
How old is she? Can you take her on a walk? How did you help her with her teeth?