How many night feeds?

My little boy still wakes 2-3 times a night for milk. Is this normal? I've tried just giving him a dummy and rocking him but he wants his milk. He also has 5-6 bottles a day and isn't a great eater. I'm at a loss as I know he needs to be weaning off formula soon. Anyone in a similar situation or have any advice? Thanks
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Reduce the amount your giving during those night feeds, then hopefully over time he’ll stop waking for them.. we are still giving one full bottle per night but I’m starting to reduce it from 6oz - 5 then 4 the next week etc etc .. maybe try a slightly bigger bottle before bed? Might help them go a little longer without another bottle x

Thanks @Jemima will give it a try and see x

Very normal, society just expects babies to sleep the night without any comfort measures. My daughter is ebf and snacks in the night as I call it. We bedshare so it’s no hassle for me and she goes right back to sleep after a quick suckle. You don’t need to wean him off formula if he isn’t a great eater. Speak to your HV about recommendations for this I would say!

@Lottie thanks for your advice 🥰 we bedshare too so it's not the end of the world lol but my health visitor told me a few months back that I need to stop feeding him at night and to basically let him cry it out. She said he isn't hungry and only eats for comfort. Safe to say I didn't take her advice and have asked to speak to another HV atm. I agree people make it seem not normal and then we doubt ourselves xx

Your health visitor is wrong and has outdated information. You don’t have to ever do what they ‘recommend’ either remember! I’m a midwife myself, I bedshare, feed to sleep, contact nap, the whole lot. I’m not going back to work as planned after maternity leave as I can’t fathom my daughter napping without me next to her. It’s works for us so why change that?! DMs always open if you want a chat ever :)

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