I'm 30 weeks tomorrow and baby is mostly breech but I can't feel him turn around every now and then to kick my ribs for a change 😂 My midwife said there's no need to worry until week 36 as there's plenty of room for them to move when they are ready, so just going with whatever is comfortable for him now!
Hey, I’m due in March and my baby is currently breech there gonna check on my next scan if she’s still breech they will try and turn her manually if not possible c section! You still have a little time for baby to turn.., fingers crossed for you lovely x
Also, what are everyone’s thoughts on breech vaginal birth?
@Emma I asked this today and my midwife was a straight no🥴 but according to a doula I’ve been listening to apparently depending on their breech position you can insist x
I am breech and 30 weeks. I was advised if still breeched at 32 weeks then 34 weeks I am referred to the breech clinic. I’ve bought a birthing ball and tried kerb walking but she’s been breech since 29 weeks and sometimes going into transverse. I’m not keen on the EVC and understand if she remains breech then it would be a c section
Since 20 weeks*
My midwife recommended the spinning babies website which has loads of info on positions and different daily activities you can do to help baby move x
@Tilly yesss going to try this🥰
Our baby was breech at 28 weeks and at a growth scan today at nearly 32 weeks has shifted to head down. I reckon she only moved a couple of days ago as my bump suddenly got massive 😂 she was tucked right in at one side in the breech position before this
@Emma my daughter was undiagnosed breech and delivered her vaginaly as they only realized when I started pushing so no time for c section. It was a traumatic experience, mostly because I wasn’t prepared, and the staff were unprepared as well. I managed to deliver her fine as she was bottom first, but it was difficult. I was lucky she wasn’t footling breech . It helped that she was 6 lbs so not a big baby. If this baby is breech I am not doing it again. It’s doable but obviously riskier
My baba is breech! Get yourself a birthing ball and do figure of 8’s. It’s done absolutely nothing for me because baba is measuring big and they think she has no room to turn😂 we will find out today at my growth scan x
My first was breech transverse and didn’t move despite seeing a chiropractor from 28 weeks, doing moxibustion and spinning babies (but my tummy was quite tight and he was stubborn). I had an ECV at 35 weeks which went great, it was a very positive experience and went on to have a natural birth. So if they don’t turn naturally that’s an option and you don’t want a c-section, it allowed me to have a natural birth in the pool.
Mine was breech on Saturday! He’s been all over the place but not head down so far. Have got out my birthing ball and doing figure 8s with my hips… then a couple forward inversions over the bed/sofa! My SIL is a midwife and also mentioned The Mile Circuit, so will give that a try 🤞🏻 My first was breech for a while but just magically turned one day, so I’m hoping this one does the same!