Starting to get worried

My son is about to turn 10 months next Monday and has no internet in crawling, he hates being put on his stomach and just rolls over and would rather try pull himself up to stand, I’m really worried about him not crawling yet, is this normal ??
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It’s okay if he skip’s crawling some babies don’t crawl at all and go right to standing and walking. The fact that he’s trying to pull himself up to stand is a good sign.

I wouldn’t worry honestly. My daughter only properly crawled the night before her first birthday, and definitely wasn’t pulling to stand at 10 months. He might not crawl at all - some babies don’t. Try to take it as it comes and not worry (easier said than done I know).

Yeah that’s how my baby was it’s okay some skip the crawling stage until their walking lol

My Baby was like this but also wasn’t pulling to stand he was just a happy sitter , I actually googled exercises to help him get moving and did them. Daily 3 weeks later he was on the move, if he’s already pulling to stand I wouldn’t overly worry , some babies skip crawling and it’s also not a milestone that anyone looks for now because of this xx

I wouldn’t worry! I used to worry but my boy didn’t start crawling until 13.5months!! He’s nearly 18months and still not close to walking, he’s just super lazy 🤣 but very good with his words and communicating, they’re all just so different! Xx

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