Glucose test
I had my glucose test on Thursday and also my 28 week bloods and they said they’d call within 2 days if results needed. I had a call from my doctors today saying clinician wants to talk to me about my blood results on Monday, they didn’t say if it was due to the diabetes test or different bloods. I’m worrying now as I have to wait until Monday to find out what it’s about. I never had this with my first and so im worried what it could be. Any one else have this?
I got my glucose results within like 10 minutes of the phlebotomist taking my blood.. Also, do you not have access to your health records? Like I have a portal through my OB clinic and also have a portal through my hospital & can look at literally anything. blood tests. ultrasound reports. visit summary. etc.. its apart of HIPAA that you have the right to see everything