Prescription amounts

How much prescription milk are you given at a time and for what period (UK)? We are trialling aptamil pepti 1 and the doctor is currently giving it us in such small amounts, we are on week 2 and I've had to ask for more again. I had a look at how much it costs to buy and it is so expensive when compared to ordinary formula! I am feeling a bit apprehensive about receiving enough if we are put on this milk long term.
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If put on long term could you ask your gp for a couple of tins at a time? Might just be getting one tin for the trial period?

We got 12 tins at a time monthly. They will increase it if you say it's working well and want to stay on it xx

@Josie I think that probably is why they're giving it us a bit at a time, just seems counterproductive giving it us like this when they've said we need to trial it for 6 weeks

@Samantha thank you that's good to know, what size tins are those?

We got 4 tins when we were on the 2 week trail and at around 10 days I had to ask for some more We were then given another 4, when it was put on repeat we started getting 8 x

@Katie Lovett-White they were the 400g tins. I think we got more when she was younger but the last one I collected at 15months was 12 tins they give you as much as you need for a month usually xx

My 1yr old gets 24 tins here in UK every Month at no cost due to allergies we are on Neocate junior they are 400g tins

We get 4 tins every time we put a request in, and that’s about every 10-14 days

Mine was extremely stingy and used to give me one at a time. My 7 week old ran out with literally nothing to eat, when I requested it 4 days in advance and I went into reception and refused to leave until they upped his prescription lol. I would ask them to increase it to 4 tins at a time at least

We originally got 10x 400g tins of Nutramigen per month, that was then upped to 12 tins when she started to drink more. If you google your local NHS trust and CMPA prescribing guidelines there should be a document which it tells the GP what they should prescribe and when. If you can find it take it to then and challenge why they aren’t following it. They like to play dumb because of the costs! X

12 cans a month

We've always been given 4 of the big tins each time x

I get 6 800g tubs at a time from my gp but honestly ask for 2-3 tubs to be sent and they will probably automatically update it and you get that each time xx

I also watch monthly ask for a open prescription so any pharmacy can get it that way you can go to any and pick it up xx

It’s likely because they don’t always get it right first time. I got 5 tins of nutramigen and she wouldn’t touch it. 3 tins of pepti 1 and she also wouldn’t touch it. Then 5 tins of althera which she would drink but now it’s been changed to alfamino so also got 5 tins of that. I am over run with useless milk 😩

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Ours is drip feeding us one 400g tin at a time. I’m having to deal with the long prescription service & pharmacy every week and don’t have any reserve at home. It’s driving me nuts!

@Emelie this is our problem too! I complained yesterday and had a text today to say they have increased the prescription, so I'll see what they've increased it to

@Parris that's terrible! They've increased it today, will see what I get later

@Jade that's really helpful, thank you!

@Lauryn oh gosh that's a nightmare! Touch wood Pepti seems to be working, he keeps not pooing for a few days at a time but it has relieved his symptoms

We are on our 2 week trial of neocate for my twins and have been prescribed 16 400g tins, he did says if we get on ok in the 2 weeks they can add it to our repeat prescription list, when we were on pepti 1 though we only ever got 2 tins each when I requested it 🤦🏼‍♀️ a tin only lasted 2-3 days between them

@Liv where abouts r you in uk

@Samantha South Yorkshire x

@Liv 2 tins is what they gave us! They've finally upped it now thankfully

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