
Hey all just looking for some reassurance - I work in quite a large team at work and announced to them all today about my pregnancy. I had already told the relevant managers and my team leaders who were slightly shocked as I only started at the end of September but mainly happy / excited for me. I decided to announce to the rest of the team today and couldn’t help but feel really judged. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m fairly new or because of my age (24). My big manager made a comment about my age when I told her which made me feel a bit uncomfortable. I have been with my partner for nearly 7 years and we have a house and a dog. Dunno if it’s just me being oversensitive or overthinking but I just feel like they are going to treat me differently at work now. The senior at work that does my monthly reviews at the moment called me straight after I got off the teams call with everyone and was giving disappointed dad vibes and said “that’s thrown his development plan for me out the window”. I think they all expected me to progress and achieve extremely well in the role and can’t help but feel I have let them down ☹️ Just feeling a bit sad about it all.
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That's really sad 🙁 you will obviously take time off for maternity leave but you're not quitting and not unable to progress in the role. You'll just have to pause work for however many months you go on leave. It's quite unfair for them to word it like that - your development plan may need adjusting in light of you taking leave, but they should still care about helping you progress! Sorry you had small minded responses

Im sorry thats been your experience. You will still be able to progress, just after a pause. Try not to let it affect the joy of your pregnancy. And remember they cant discriminate against you for being pregnant.

Thank you both 🥰 I definitely feel a bit down about it. It was just a very strange reaction xx

Some people don’t know/understand the appropriate way to respond to such (lovely!!) news - any negative responses are a reflection on them, not you 🙏🏼 you also don’t need to justify your circumstances. And as mentioned in previous comment, they can’t discriminate for being pregnant

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