Mum guilt

Does anyone feel awful mum guilt when you can’t instantly soothe your crying baby?
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Yes but I’ve also had to learn that babies can take some time to calm down when they’re overstimulated or overwhelmed - you wouldn’t expect an adult having a panic attack to instantly quiet down, it can take a while and reassurance. Keep at it mama, you’re doing great

No because that just means something else is going on I have no real control over and they have to work through like gas or something

Yes, but you learn to manage it. What helped me is to remember that babies cry and it is not because I'm doing something wrong. Sometimes they cry for no reason. It's a dyad relationship between mother and baby and the only way they know how to communicate, and it's a natural way to stir their caregivers into responding to their needs, even if that's just comfort. You are doing it right. The best thing for your baby is for you to stay calm and regulated.

His screams make me feel so tense and he's been a screamer for all 3 months. I try to talk to him in a soothing way and comfort him but inside I'm dying and need to unload him on my husband ao I can cry

Thank you all for your responses. It’s so hard, especially when you’re working through the tick boxes- hungry, tired, cold, cuddle etc. it’s been more in public at baby classes I feel like the walls are closing in and I’m being judged. I try my absolute best to stay calm- but have had a little cry today. Out of both frustration and guilt. We’ll get there I’m sure. Xx

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