Talk to Pregnant and screwed because pretty sure they will have stuff to help you with this x
Antenatal appointments aren’t mandatory, you choose if you want to go or not so your workplace has no legal obligation to let you have time out to attend so they’re right in saying you need to take it unpaid or as annual leave.
Depends on your work policy, but mine says you can take paid leave for all of these
@Samantha that’s not what the government website says. It states I’m entitled to reasonable paid time off, nothing about using annual leave nor taking time off unpaid.
Try calling ACAS, they might be able to advise x
@Hana I’ve looked into my company’s policy and it says the same thing as the government 😔 I’m going to speak to Citizens advice tomorrow These guys helped my cousin with something very similar. They are very good and have great legal advice!
Pregnancy is a protected characteristic so this doesn’t sound quite right. It might be best looking into your company’s policies and ask HR for copies of maternity/pregnancy information. If not then maybe citizens advice? Defo sounds wrong though x