I was literally just goggling when I should stop because the cleaning and sterilising my bottles and pump parts every evening takes so much time. And I need to prepare the bottles for the next day at work. But advice seems to say not until after 12months so guess we have at least another 2 months to g.
We stopped quite early. Our HV did advise to keep going until 12mo but did also say that 1) making a bottle isn't a sterile process anyway, 2) she's going to be shoving everything in her mouth anyway and 3) once she starts weaning anyway it's not like we're sterilising food 🤷♀️
With my first, I thought it was 6 months for the same reasons, weaning and shoving everything in their mouths anyway. That was 8 years ago, though.
USA CDC says after 3 months for full term healthy babies. NHS says 12 months. I felt the answer is somewhere in between and stopped a few months ago, on a step wise basis although I generally rinse bottles straight away and run them through the hot cycle on the dishwasher so there's not really much to do. Sticking them in the microwave for 10 mins is not exactly hard work but it is one less thing on my to do list....
Sterilising bottles but not dummies. X
Not really sterilising dummies, but bottles that I’m using for formula yeah x
We did in the past few weeks he’s licking the floor I think an unsterilised bottle will be fine 🤣
Personally, I think especially in this weather that it's important to still sterilise bottles because of coughs, colds, and other germs that can make them sick in winter, but it is advised until 1 anyway if using formula xx
I did hear 12 months but I purchased all the easy active MAM bottles (because washing the parts was starting to make my loose my marbles) and I just accidently stopped sterilising because I wash and rinse straight away after feeding. If I leave the bottles I will sterilise!
I stopped sterilising the minute she licked the floor at soft play
You should still sterilise bottles if you are using formula. I will stop when we move over to cows milk when she turns 1 x