Feeding Question!

I think my little one is having a growth spurt and needing more milk, she's breastfed, I express also so my other half can feed her and at night she has a bottle of formula. How old is your baby and how much are they fed each feed? I know it's different for every baby but looking for a rough idea. Thank you
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My daughter is breastfed and I also express sometimes for my partner to feed her. She had a 5oz bottle and wanted more 3 hours later. I also think my little girl is having a growth spurt at the moment and is cluster feeding the health visitor said that’s expected and completely normal for this age especially if she’s going through a growth spurt

@Aysha S how old is your little one? Thanks for your reply x

@Katie she’s 4 weeks x

My little one is 5 weeks today and is breast fed and I also express so partner can give atleast one bottle a day - when he has a bottle it’s been just under 4oz but considering upping on next bottle tomorrow as he also fed for 10 minutes on me after 100ml this evening. Hes also currently feeding every 3-4 hours mostly too! We’ve slowly upped the ounces in reaction to how he’s been when finishing a bottle & gauging how much I get when I express on one side xx

My 8 week old will only take 1-2 oz from the bottle..usually 1. Then wants boob 😅

I spoke to a lactation consultant who told me if giving bottle/ formula never give more than 120ml as it’s very rare for a breastfed baby to have more than that in a feed, she said breast milk changes rather than volume increasing as they get older

Thank you everyone x

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