My little one is nearly 6 months old and am currently using the carrier pictured for our dog walks. As he gets a bit older, I'd like to switch to a backpack type carrier. Which ones would you recommend, particularly if you're short (I'm only 5'2)?
Integra (Connecta) has been great for us- certified hip healthy and front and back carrying options. It's the best I've tried for a small frame, though still not perfect (I am only 4ft 11 and 6st though so smaller than you). I waited a while for it to come though as it's a small company and stock supply isn't the best, so bear in mind you won't get it Amazon- quick and they may not gave certain colours but the quality and fit are really good. My 17 month old still fits in our size 1 carrier and I'd happily buy a size 2 when he outgrows it.
I’d definitely recommend visiting a sling library if you have one close by? Some do postal services too. Worth trying a few and getting their advice. X
Integra (Connecta) has been great for us- certified hip healthy and front and back carrying options. It's the best I've tried for a small frame, though still not perfect (I am only 4ft 11 and 6st though so smaller than you). I waited a while for it to come though as it's a small company and stock supply isn't the best, so bear in mind you won't get it Amazon- quick and they may not gave certain colours but the quality and fit are really good. My 17 month old still fits in our size 1 carrier and I'd happily buy a size 2 when he outgrows it.