Crying non stop

I am feeling so bad that I cannot stop crying. I feel like I have failed my little girl. She is 1 year in 2 weeks and since 2 months has stopped growing. She has dropped weight, dropped centiles quickly, doesn’t eat and I have tried every way and doesn’t sleep. It been a week and a half and she has stopped eating, everything she eats is because I insist and distract her. I see other babies growing and thriving and she has stoped and I feel so sorry for her. I have failed her and I am such a bad mother. I wish I could die right now and give all my health to her so she can grow. I just cannot stop crying and no one would help. Been to gp, health visitor and A&E. She is with reflux and they don’t even investigate further. Just say wait cause the reflux will go on its own
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They didn't do anything for reflux for my kids either. I went and got gaviscon satchet at pharmacy and used that in milk, which helped a bit and I cut down on anything citrus including tomatoes. Do double check if she is teething as thats a major cause on lack of appetite. Otherwise we are expected to just bear it unfortunately.

@Salma yes she is teething for the moment 😓. Does the reflux contribute to the lack of appetite or is it just teething? I just don’t know what to do for her appetite to come back. Is lasting so long

Both affect it and it can cause throat to be sore. Does she like cold food? If so maybe give more or that like Costa pasta instead of warm. Yogurt, desserts, anything that can be served cold or chilled and eaten cold.

Except blueberry’s that she likes, she refuses everything else. Doesn’t even like the milk and will drink it only while she is sleeping and will spill half of it 🫣

@CeeCee thank you, I was very upset for the moment cause it’s been 2 difficult months like this and doesn’t seem to end. But I will find the strength and energy for her. Today we have another gp appointment, maybe they will help us 🙏. Just want her to be herself again with no pain and to grow 😊

Have you got any option to see a private pediatrician? I can’t imagine how worried you are it sounds absolutely awful. You’re doing a good job and not failing your little one, it’s a very hard thing you’re going through! I’m astonished the medical staff are so uncaring, it is worrying what your little one is experiencing. Sending you thoughts and prayers!

I’ve seen private paediatrician when she was smaller cause she’s always been with reflux and they haven’t given any solution. @Lidia thank you, today we are seeing a different gp I am hoping something changes

I feel very sorry for the baby, but the real question is, are you ok? I know incognito is for privacy, ect, but there are a lot of momis you could at least have a chat to if you need to. I don't know if there is a way you can find me by accepting a wave or something, but I'm always here for a chat 😮‍💨💜

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