How do you feel about having another baby?

I’ve always thought I wanted more than one child but I’ve been thinking recently that I don’t know if I want to have more. I can’t imagine doing all of this again. I’ve suffered with postnatal depression really badly, I think I’m coming out of it now but it took me so low and I just wouldn’t ever want to go back to that. My husband also really fell apart when our baby was about three months old and he has definitely been suffering with his mental health too. He hasn’t always been the best support and our relationship has definitely suffered from having a baby. I just don’t know how we’d cope. Interested to know what others think?!
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I’m pregnant with my second - don’t get me wrong newborn stage was really, really difficult. My baby hated his pram, has never been a good sleeper, never ate well, had a lip tie and CMPA, so I couldn’t breast feed and formula made him scream day and night. Butttttt, he’s SUCH a bundle of joy and much, much easier now. He sleeps and eats well and I feel like I’d be able to cope much better. I was happy to be one and done, but I see my niece as a 7 year old who is an only child and she’s sooooo lovely and bored. I really feel for her. And I also couldn’t imagine having my siblings to lean on but to each their own. It’s a personal choice and very difficult to do without support too, but that’s why we chose to have another. You could wait a few years, there’s no rush x

I do want another but not for another 2-3 years yet I want to be more prepared next time

i would love too..i am the only child and i grew up quite lonely..always wanted a sibling…but has been so so hard on me..without much help and newborn stage was awful..i haven’t slept 1 night in more than a year and now my baby is soo full of energy that i barely cope because of tiredness..

I'm also not sure because me and my partner want a baby, like we miss our little newborn, but we don't think that's reason enough. We really really struggled too and I don't want to risk the second being the same because I just don't think I could handle it. But then I also look at the relationship I have with my sister and I definetly want that for my baby. My mum was an only child and she told me I better give my baby a sibling 😂

@Sophie I know it’s so hard! My mum always says the same about siblings. I do get what she means but I’m just like oh god the newborn phase was so hard!! But then I guess it does go quickly. So many things to consider!

I am 100% against it. I was pretty adamant when I was pregnant that I wouldn’t do it again, I continued to feel that way and then around 5ish months I wondered, my son soon took care of it and had an anaphylaxis to eggs and that sealed it for me, I could never wean another child. X

@Rhi that sounds so scary I’m so sorry that happened. I go back and forth. I just don’t want to feel how I did when my baby was a newborn again. I felt so low and so scared of everything.

My Dec 23 baby was child 4... I had child 5 Dec 24... 🤣 Completely unplanned.. I've definitely had moments in between where I second guessed my thoughts don't get me wrong but I wouldn't be without any of mine xx

My dec 23 baby is my 4th. I always wanted a big family. My older 3 are close in age i had 3 under 4 i actually found that much easier than now where there is a 6 year age gap between two youngest 🤣 i would recommend closer together if you are going to do it! Dont get me wrong 3 together was really hard at times and im alone alot. But seeing them play together and be there for each other is worth every bit of stress and moment i thought i couldnt do it xx

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