Too late to switch OB/GYNs?

Hi! Looking for advice on switching OB/GYN doctors so late in the game. I’m due March 12 and I was hoping it would get better over time, but every time leave an appointment I feel uneasy and rushed out. I get scheduled with a cycle of doctors every appointment, which I understand since it’s not a guarantee that one doctor I pick will be working on the day I deliver, but I feel like I’m explaining my health history every appointment to a new person and it feels impersonal, especially for my first pregnancy. I am grateful to not have any major complications so far, but I feel like the doctors are very passive with me since I haven’t had any and it worries me if something were to go wrong, if they even would know me well enough or read my chart to know the things I’ve already gone over with them. For example, I got myself tested for the MTHFR gene variants before I even knew I was pregnant and I have issues with them. One provider told me “Thats fine, don’t worry about it” and another told me I wont process synthetic folic acid so I need to take a different kind and that I could have blood clotting issues that she would want to pay attention to when I deliver (which I appreciated her telling me so I can just be aware and know she knows). On top of that I was told not to bother with a birth plan at my last week’s appointment. Anyways, what I want to ask is -Am I being irrational to want a little more of a personable experience, like are all the offices pretty much like this now? And what have your experiences been like throughout your appointments? Is it normal that the last ultrasound I had was my anatomy scan at 20 weeks and they told me I won’t need any more, they just measure my stomach and ask me a few questions when I go in, and my cervix/down there hasn’t been checked since my first appointment? I know these questions don’t make me sound like it, but I am generally an easygoing person and I just want to make sure I’m not being naive :P
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Yikes, I would definitely switch teams. The no birth plan part alone is a major turn off for me, especially since it’s your birth experience.

I feel like some of things you are saying are normal but others are huge red flags. I also am having a complication free pregnancy so I was told the same thing about the ultrasound but I feel like my doctors look in to every concern I’m having and really take my questions seriously. Even if it ends up being a negative test or a just to be safe kinda thing. If it was me I would switch for sure, even if everything is going great you still need a team that will validate your feelings and experience just in case something needs to be caught

I also was pretty suprised about the rotating doctor thing but I recently had to change offices and it was the same way

I’m due March 16th and also in the process of switching drs!

If you don’t feel comfortable with the care you are receiving, I would absolutely switch OBs assuming you can get an appointment elsewhere. Other offices should be very accommodating but you never know. My office also has rotating doctors so I think that is common and normal. I’m tagged as high risk due to IVF so I had an ultrasound at 30wks and weekly scans from 36wks on but that’s just because of high risk. I haven’t had any kind of vaginal or cervical exam either. I don’t think that’s until birth.

This sounds very impersonal - I totally get your uneasy feelings and why you’d want to look into switching teams. Just to put your mind a tiny bit at rest, it’s normal not to have any more ultrasounds after your 20w anatomy scan until around 36 weeks if you have a healthy uncomplicated pregnancy. It’s also normal not to be internally examined until the very end of your pregnancy unless there’s a cause for concern. So in those ways, you’re not being neglected!

I think most practices now have you go to every doctor and don't do ultrasounds post-anatomy scan unless there is reason to. I got a private scan done for about $80 just for peace of mind, and right or wrong, she was telling me that the reason for less ultrasounds is related to insurance and being post-Covid. Ultrasounds during pregnancy supposedly decreased during Covid and now insurance companies want to maintain that. I haven't looked into it, but it wouldn't surprise me

Also be prepared that it may be difficult to find a practice who will take you now. Some have firm cutoffs of no new patients after so many weeks. I wish you the best though and hope you can find another!!!

It’s normal to not have another ultrasound if everything has checked out well. But if you’re feeling uneasy about the way your visits go and it not feeling very personal then it’s not too late to switch practices. Just make sure the new one is delivering out of the hospital you want to deliver baby at. The new provider will have to have a spot for your due date month and affect you but it’s easily done. I’m switching practices at 32 weeks to deliver closer to home where my toddler will be during my hospital stay.

I switched late and it was the best thing I ever did !

Switch. I was with an OBGYN until 23 weeks when we switched over to a midwife group. I find their approach much more personal. But wherever you go YOU need to be the one advocating for your attention to MTHFR issues because hospitals still don’t recognize this issue.

Hi! I just switched at 30 weeks and I’ve only had one appt with my new doctor, but I am SO happy I made the switch. My old doctor was maybe 5 minutes from my house, and the new one is closer to 55 minutes away, but even with the long drive I am already so much happier. I say make the switch if you aren’t comfortable, it’s not too late.

I just clicked your profile and we’re both in the same area! I go to premier integrated OBGYN and they work with Rose hospital where I’ll be giving birth, I’ve had a really good experience so far I’d definitely suggest them! I’m not positive about switching so late but it’s worth a call, I see Dr Romy Mason

@Autumn Rose is where I want to give birth!! It keeps coming up in random conversations with people and you commenting about it totally confirms my gut feeling! I’ll definitely check out that OB and see what they say! Thank you ☺️

Thank you everyone!! Glad to know there are some things that are normal, and other things I’m not just crazy to be concerned about

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@Alexa-Rae It’s probably not too late to switch, but I also felt like this with my first pregnancy (besides the rotating dr thing) I always saw my dedicated dr.) I was expecting more attention, but looking back, with no concerns or issues with me or the baby, there wasn’t really anything they needed to ask or tell me. She was a superstar during my delivery and I am happy I stayed. I have the same dr for this pregnancy and again, the appts are short since everything is looking good and I won’t be checked downtown until 36 weeks.

@DMSP thank you for sharing! It’s helpful to hear other opinions, especially for peace of mind if I do end up having to stay where I’m at. Also, I see you’re from Scottsdale! I’m in Denver now but from Scottsdale too. Nice to meet you over the comments ☺️

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