It’s easier to potty train the second child than it is to potty train the first.

My first daughter took over a year and a half to potty train. And a lot of it had to do with the fact her daycare wasn’t working with me on it. I’m staying home right now with both of my kids and it’s getting to that time again to start potty training my second daughter. I would like to get a solid start before the kids go back into a daycare (if they go back) but I’m also scared to have another unsupportive daycare who isn’t willing to work with us. She has interest, sits on the potty (only to rip apart toilet paper otherwise it’s a sit and get off immediately situation) So is she actually ready or just wants to mess around and make me want to pull my hair out? Everyone tells me is easier to train the second child than it is the first. But I feel like we are getting a slower start. I know kids do things at their own time. But these second babies are something else. lol
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So my daughter was fully potty trained by 2. She was very interested and I felt she was ready. The lady that watched her a few others they all were potty trained and I think she just kinda learned from them all going potty regularly. My son who’s 4 almost 5 was fully potty trained by 3 in a half. He had no interest until about age 3 and took to it quickly! He would poop in his pull ups though so that was the hardest thing was him learning to not just go hide and poo and to go to the potty. He always poops now when he gets home from pre k so he’s liked trained his body I think to just be more comfortable at home as I still help him wipe. At school they don’t help them at all. So I really think he has trained his body to wait as he hated last year when he would have to wipe himself at only 3 and would always have poo stains bad and itchy bum bc of that.

What age did you attempt to train your first child? I think age and readiness are the main things.

@Lisa my first child was just about two as well. She had been showing interest and was sitting and going potty sometimes for me but when it came to daycare (same daycare I was working at) they were just so lazy and wouldn’t work with her on it. Then she started to lose interest because of the inconsistency. Once they actually started working with her she was confused then and wouldn’t go at home or daycare. I kept working with her but was not making any progress. If they had just worked with me things would have gone much smoother.

Depends on the kid

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