I have perianal Crohn’s and Crohn’s in my small bowel and was recommended by my obstetrician who took a special interest with women in pregnancy who have IBD to have a elective section as I would have been at risk of fourth degree tears back passage and frontal (also had fissures, fistulas and a peri anal abscess which I had to have emergency surgery for) and because it would also be safer for baby in case things didn’t go smoothly which she thought may be the case. I went ahead with the elective section and I’m so glad I did! Sorry I can’t give any insight on natural birth, just my experience with perianal Crohn’s and birth x
@Haley thank you lovely! x
@Olivia That's extremely helpful thank you so much for sharing! I'm so glad you found someone so knowledgeable to guide you through your pregnancy, its scary enough as it is without sprinkling crohns in there too 🙀 Did you find you healed up nicely or did you have any complications? x
I do not have this type of Crohns that I’m aware of, but here’s a bump! Hope you find some good information out.