Rib pain

The past few days I’ve been getting intense pain in my ribs only on the right side and I’m not sure why. I don’t think it’s the baby kicking them as I have only felt kicks in the bottom left side of my stomach. Could it be an arm or the head? 😭 anyone else had similar? I’m 26 weeks
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Is it consistent pain? I had this recently I went to get it checked and my white blood count was high and somthing to do with liver and pancreas was high had a USs scan on my organs and they are ok, but I got put on codine for the pain it’s gone away now but it was so intense and constant I thought it was best to get it checked as was tender to touch too x

@chloe no it’s not consistent it comes and goes but it seems to be worse at night. Not sure if it’s just because I’m not doing anything at night that I notice it more then

If your ever in doubt you can get it checked there I no harm in doing so and for your peace of mind too, are you doing a lot of lifting of heavy things or anything like that xx

@chloe no not at all. Thanks I’ll ask my midwife when I see her x

Omg I have been waiting for someone to say this. I had a cough for 3weeks and one day I coughed and my left ribs has not been the same. The pain is crazy. My husband has to help me stand, turn me on the bed, raise my leg at every point while I scream in pain and cry. Called triage and gp they only advices hot water bottle and paracetamol that I have pulled a muscle and baby’s size is pushing my organs that pushes the ribs and as I’m getting bigger is straining it. Today I feel tiny bit better ( my husband uses a towel and deep in hot water and helps massage the ribs, not boiling hot but you feel the heat. It gives you relief hun… he does it twice a day right before bed. I’m 28weeks today and i know how this pain feels like you got smashed with a stick on your ribs. Hope the hot water trick helps you too xx

@JENNIFER thank you I’ll try that. Your right it’s so painful 😭xx

I have this and spoke to my midwife about it. She said that if I have elevated blood pressure it can be a sign of pre eclampsia but given the fact my pressure was fine it is more likely pain from uterus expanding or baby. I actually heard a pop as I stretched so she said it could be a dislocated/inflamed rib. Ice seems to take pain away for me.

That is by far one of my least fav symptoms. My first and 2nd pregnancy I had that the entire time it stuck around and got worse and worse until I had them. No amount of stretching could fix it. As far as I know it’s normal and it’s just bc all your organs are literally being smushed bc there’s a whole human growing inside of you taking up all the space. It should go away as soon as you have baby!!! My most recent pregnancy I did not experience this at all it was amazing 😭

I’ve had awful rib pain for a few days now. I think I coughed and pulled something. I read online it’s pretty common around now. Hot compress for 10 mins helped me

@Cait I’ve just been to see midwife and they say I’ve got a possible uti and given antibiotics, so worth getting calling midwife to very it checked out.

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