Start stacking your money and leave . He can be still in y’all child life . I was in the same situation I left three years later over 50times getting checked on while pregnant and all . Me and my baby father was together for 7 years . I It’s never going to stop unless he wanting to and willing to. Love him from a distance
@Kayla I’ve tried he’s just a narcissist and each time i try to pack up and leave he takes my car keys and refuses to give them back until the next day
@Simone Ik and it’s just hard bc he doesn’t understand how bad he hurt me like dude you fucking cheated while I was pregnant. I’ve tried stacking my money but it’s going to a joint account
Does he work? Leave when he is at work
I would leave. Right now, he is controlling you. Do not let him. Your Dad's house might be overcrowded, but it's better than what you are dealing with at home, and it's only temporary. It sounds like he is verbally and emotionally abusing you. Leave him and make it legal. Do not contact him except about your daughter and have everything in writing. There is an app you can use. Someone else may be able to remember the name, but it's used when there shouldn't be unmonitored contact between parents for custodial or safety purposes. Please prioritise your daughter and your mental health and leave. I've read some of your comments; contact the bank about your account, you can switch so your money isn't going into a joint account, ask a friend or family member to help you move or call for a police chaperone, does he work? You are being abused, and you and your daughter need to leave. This is not a safe environment.
I was in the exact situation, my bd cheated on me since I was 6 months pregnant. It took me almost killing myself multiple times to leave bc he’d tell me “how dare I have the audacity to do that in his home”, I reflected on my parents relationship and how I’d pray that they’d divorce bc I hated seeing them together. The damage it caused to me was tremendous and I refused to let my daughter suffer the same things. My bd used the same arguments of “we need to be a family etc” but if he wanted to be a family he never would’ve put you in that position. I left him 2 days before Christmas bc he was going to propose and it was clear to me that he never loved me and never listened or cared. You’re much better on your own that with a bs piece of shit who disrespects you. You can do it
Just because you have a child together doesn’t mean you have to be together. Raising a child in a Home that does nothing but argue (it may not be like this now but it could turn into a screaming match in the future) does more damage than in 2 homes. He can still be in her life and coparent. If you can find a friend, get on housing assistance if your county/country have it. There’s resources for single mothers. You can do it without him.
He can still be in her life. It’s called coparenting. Do not mentally drain yourself . Leave it’s better for you