But I did get mine used. I would not pay what they cost new, that's for sure lol
I mean I get my groceries delivered but say if I was doing a decent Kmart shop would it be worth it? My baby isn’t walking at the moment so not sure when the newborn comes in June when she will start
My son can walk but I'm not ready to chase him in stores lol. I can put them both in a shopping cart if I have to, just not much room for stuff then. And there are places where carts aren't available so it's really up to u, weighing cost versus how much you'll use it, how comfortable you are not having it to fall back on etc. for 100 $ it was worth having for me but it may not for you
Im due my second any day now and I also worry the same thing but I have reins for my toddler, and he knows if he plays up the reins go on. Just means you don’t have to run after them. My partner will get a few months off with me so we will see how we get on without a double pram, as I fear it will be a waste of money as my 1.5 year old probably won’t be using it that much for much longer anyway. But we will consider a buggy board if we struggle with it. You can get them cheap on Amazon or even second hand, and it’s more for when they have tired legs. Most if them are universal and strap to any pram xx And some even have seats with straps. Definitely a cheaper option to a double pram x
I have one and I couldn't have done it without, any walk that's longer, the weather and also when the LO gets bigger they're harder to carry in the carrier for long periods of time. Couldn't have done it without it
I’ve just bought the icandy orange double pram, it’s so good x
i have a 15 month age gap. my son will be 2 in march and i still use the double pushchair! i got it off facebook marketplace x
My son was 23months when our daughter was born. We mostly use a buggy board on the pram for him which he loves - not ideal if you want the older one to nap, but good for most journeys. When we have taken them both out and it's coincided with nap time for the older one, then we take his travel pram and the baby carrier. That way, he has the option to walk or sleep and baby can also use the pram or the carrier if her brother needs it.
I have a 13 months gap. I bought the double buggy when my youngest was about 3/4 months and used it up to 1 year old. They are way too heavy to be pushed around in the double buggy now 😂 I'm using the single one now and my oldest just walks, she is 2.5 now I'm trying to get rid of the double now 😅
I got a used double and we love it! Its so worth it to us
My double buggy has been a real life saver! I was very on the fence about whether to get one or not as my daughter was walking when I had my second. There’s a 19 month age gap between them and I’m so glad I got a double buggy. My eldest is generally such a good girl, but there are days where she just doesn’t want to walk, she’s too tired. Or she has a complete mind of her own and I need to get something done quickly and smoothly. When I have my BD with me, I generally don’t use it unless we’re walking too far for her and would let her walk as there’s another pair of hands on deck, but when I’m by myself it’s been amazing for the more tricky or fast paced situations with her
I have a double and am glad for it due to the weather, mine allows me to use the infant car seat for my newborn and strap my 1.5 year old in the other seat