Always trying to make me look like a bad mom

My MIL is a real piece of work. My bf and I were up all night with our daughter because out of no where she started throwing up. All day she was fine, and when she went to bed she seemed fine as well. So, because we were up all night we all took a nap at the same time. When my daughter and I woke up, we got up so I can get her some pedialyte and water. IMMEDIATELY my MIL starts attacking me saying that my daughter was throwing up because I let her play outside when it's chilly out. Trying to make it seem I didnt have her properly dressed either. Telling me that she's going to get even more sick because of it all. It took every once of me to not snap at her for coming at me like that for no reason and because she wants to try to use her ignorance on information like it's facts. How would you other mamas have handled it?
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Depends how cold it was in ur state and how young ur baby is. I personally wouldn’t let my baby play outside in the cold

But either way she shouldn’t have said anything to u. Maybe to ur bf but not even

My kids go outside of it's -10F it doesn't make you sick especially not barfing

Norovirus is really bad right now and has nothing to do with the temperature. It's called germs. Some of these older generations are too much. Sorry you have to deal with that.

I would've said to her "i would still question that knowledge if she had a cold and she was barfing, which has nothing to do with the cold weather. Now, if it was hot, sure. I'm not sure where you got your medical degree." But I'm also spicy

@Stephani 🌺 E I'm trying to bite my tongue as much as possible out of respect for my bf but I do keep warning him it's a matter of time before I won't be able to any longer and he'll just have to let it happen... whether he warns her or not is on him 🤷‍♀️

@Gwen my grandma just had the Norovirus and based on how my daughter only threw up last night and was fine all day, I think I came comfortably rule it out... thank goodness, I was worried about it! Lol

@Luz she was born in SD just before winter so she was born to colder weather. We live in AZ now and it only low 60's rn tomorrow low 70's so not that cold what so ever. I don't even want to be out there with her when it's colder than that lol

When comments are made and come from ignorance I ignore them I’m not wasting my time arguing with someone like that.. just few days ago we were at my mil too to sing happy bday to bil and cake and he was sick ( I didn’t know otherwise I would of thought about it twice to go) well my bf/bd joked something like don’t get to close to me and mil giggled bc she said to my bf it was all just in his head if he keeps thinking he’s going to get sick he’s going to get sick lol she’s not a mean lady but man sometimes she opens her mouth and I’m astonished with her ignorance

So where'd she get her PHD? You don't get sick like that from being out in the cold weather and AZ please it's colder here in Sacramento. You don't even get the "common cold" from being in cold weather. Ugh! Ignorance and audacity. Tell her maybe she should go to Google University 🤣

my MIL is literally OBSESSED with putting socks and more clothes on my baby! it’s really annoying when she makes those little comments EVERYDAY, talking to me through my son: “are you warm enough?🥺”, “mummy didn’t put socks on you, poor baby”. it’s very important for babies develop to leave their toes open and let them feel different surfaces, but I can’t explain it to her. once she wrapped my son in a blanket while being next to fireplace!🤣

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