Thank you Tasha He usually sleeps for 9-10 hours at night and 2 hours in the afternoon As far as I know recommended sleep time for toddlers of this age is 11-14 hours These days with all the wakings. It’s only 10 hours with afternoon nap counted :( Do you suggest I should still cut down?
Oooh, I see. I can share with you that at 2yrs old the sleep hours window often goes from 11-14hrs to 11-12hrs. I suspect if you cut down the afternoon nap to 1-1.5hrs you'll find your sleeping more solidly at night and getting more sleep overall in the end 🙂. Also important to note that what time your toddler is getting up from nap is important based on what time bed is. Tiny human sleep is Such a science 😅
Okay, so my girl is around the same age as your baby. She is a solid 12hr night sleeper without wake ups and takes a nap in the afternoon for 2 to 3 hours. About 2 weeks ago, she kept waking up in the middle of the night multiple times. It was so weird because this only used to happen when she was going through a leap or growth spurt. Well, a week ago, she surprised us by pointing at random objects and telling us their colour. She all of a sudden knows how to count 1 to 15, and her vocabulary developed a lot, seemingly overnight. Then she went back to sleeping 12 hours at night and 2 hours in the afternoon. I am convinced that she was going through some sort of developmental leap just like when she was a baby, and now that she has "mastered" her new skills she is back to normal. Maybe your baby is developing a new skill!
I hope so.. he does a bit of colors and numbers but so far new thing is that he wants to pretend play a lot and asks what’s this What’s happening And repeats everything I say
Hey @Tasha-Lee and @Karol Thank you both for the support during this tough time:) Those episodes are finally done:)
I’m coming on here to say we are also going through this right now. It’s been tough, we are about to welcome a new baby and now going through this, what I think is a sleep regression. Any tips on helping them sleep? The only thing seems to be having me or husband sleep in his room. He used to be fine but has been waking up 2-3 times a night, putting up a fuss. He’s been napping well at daycare, but so so at home. Hoping to do something for this to pass soon, I miss my little sleeper.
Hey @Carly I can understand it’s frustrating These lil LOs are growing up..learning new skills.. Nothing helped in my case. But I stopped fighting it and getting frustrated One thing seems to be helping is to change places if he isn’t falling back asleep in 15 min.. Take him to the front room.. And go back once he calmed down Congratulations and I hope this phase ends soon for you Carly
Depending on the rest of your LO's sleep schedule, it may be time to cut down on nap length or be a 2yr old sleep regression 🫣