The coconut collab yoghurt is dairy free and not acidic. Banana pancakes - 1 mashed banana, 1 egg and a couple of tablespoons of flour. Eggy bread soldiers with avocado Mashed salmon Mashed cod We mash veg instead of puree and she doesn't appear to bring it back up but her reflux has improved recently anyway
I buy coconut based yogurt and you can mix fruit of your choice in there, nut milks to make porridge, veggies, maybe Google for more ideas or chat GPT gives good suggestions too 🙂
There are so many foods that are dairy free. Some are labelled but others are just normal food that you’d expect to contain dairy but don’t. What kind of foods are you thinking of? My 3 year old is CMPA as is my June baby. I make things like lasagne with dairy free white sauce and dairy free cheese. I don’t use the children’s yoghurt. I buy a big pot of the Alpro natural yoghurt and add seeds and fruit etc to it. I recommend following the Dairy Free Mum on Instagram. She has her own cookbook full of dairy free recipes and she also does trips around shops like Tesco etc and shows you all the dairy free finds in store.
My little girl was referred to a dietician for her CMPA as it was so severe and they were so helpful in helping us setting up food and meals. We made everything from fresh and she is now 3. Still has a huge intolerance to dairy but she’s a great eater from eating so healthy. Ask your health visitor for a referral to a dietician if you haven’t already x