I think you should get into contact with your gp and get help/advice. Or health visitor. The longer you leave it the likely hood of baby accepting new foods/textures/solids as a whole reduces massively. It can also increase the risk of food allergies. Baby could also have an iron deficiency because they use up all their stores by 6 months and isn’t accepting solids. The pouches might have some iron in them, idk, I don’t plan to use them x It’s okay for them to “choke” they do it so much in the early days because it’s new to them. If they’re loud and red let them go ahead, if they’re silent and blue they need help from you. Offer food again, if baby starts gaging wait 10 seconds and then intervene. Baby will 9/10 sort it themselves x Try offering finger foods instead, make sure you can break it up by squishing between your fingers. Makes it a bit more fun for them. Have a look at the solid start app for serving sizes/how to cut etc. you don’t have to pay for it to use this feature x
Mines just gone one and he still won’t eat the pouches unless they’re fruity or really pureed but he will eat my potatoes and chicken ect. I did bolognese and I don’t think i cut it enough, he liked the taste but I think it was still chunky. So we are buying a blender. Once he starts choking on it and throws up he won’t eat anything else. I wouldn’t stress too much longs as he’s eating something. Our feeding at the minute consists of rusks/weetabix will try rice crispy but doesn’t have more than a few spoons. Toast in small bite size pieces, yoghurts, potatoes chicken if sliced very small and mixed with the potatoes. And most pouches. Snacks he will have biscuits, mini cheddars or a few buttons. And like I said mines just gone one. I don’t stress because I know he eats what he wants and I don’t force it. He still has bottles but we’ve gone down to two in the night that’s still formula.
Keep trying it’s just a change that’s all for breakfast try baby rice or ready break with half a fruit pouch in for flavour then in a few weeks change lunch and dinner from pouch’s
I agree choking is normal and learning but don’t just let your baby choke when they do they go off the food as you’ve explained. My baby can eat pasta, rice, eggs ect she chokes a little but only for a second and I keep feeding her she’s fine but if your baby is choking a lot then refusing food you need a different approach. Feel free to message with ideas for foods to try as I had a massive fear of her choking to death to be honest now we are on big food ^^^ we don’t do baby led weaning
At 8 months refusing food is quite normal. You don't have to worry about them getting "enough", because most of their nutrition comes from milk. It's true they use up most of certain nutrient stores around 6 months, like iron, but whatever does make it into their mouth will be enough. If he's taking pouches, that's a good thing. He's just developing tastes and preferences. Don't rush, keep offering foods and offer solid foods that you are comfortable with, but if you think there truly may be a sensory / swallowing issue (which some kids do have), talk to your physician. We can sometimes be in such a rush to get our babies to "love" new foods, that we may miss the signs of a deeper sensory issue at play. It's not uncommon although most babies will work through it on their own with time and patience.
Do u mean choking or gagging? As there's a big difference! Gagging is a normal response and is how babies learn to eat and swallow solids! The problem here is that as this is all you have given him for 3 months its what he's used to, so it's going to take time! Offer him finger foods via BLW, as he can then control it himself and explore
This might sound harsh and kinda scary but let him choke. It's him learning about to manage larger pieces of food and his body getting ready to eat a big old roast dinner in a few months time! It might be easier for him to have soft finger foods like banana or toast or even scrambled eggs so he can get used to bigger chunks of food before things like pasta