No it’s my second which is most likely why I’m ‘further’ than you. However some things online will say that subsequent pregnancies engagement happens later. So who bloody knows! I’m going with my body knowing what it’s doing second time round and praying I have 3 more weeks! I swear I’ve felt like they could fall out for a couple weeks now 😂
@Caley It’s my second pregnancy too I’m 36 weeks! I feel like baby is gonna drop out the pressure is real! And yeah I’ve read that too! But not sure cause baby is very low down! Hopefully not too long now.
This babe is also laying on their side rather than anterior so when they said their head was close to my pelvis I was shocked because honestly they have felt transverse still! So I’m having to do exercises on the ball to get them to hopefully stop swaying towards back to back 🫠
Oh lord! Maybe I misheard?! God knows 😂
I was half way engaged at 34 weeks with my first and only got lower at each appointment so for sure thought I’d go early but at 41+6 still hadn’t gone into labour. She was in a great position the whole time. Born 15 days overdue. But if it’s your second baby and you had spontaneous labour the first time you could possibly expect this baby to come a bit earlier. Second babies actually typically engaged later on or even during labour compared to first babies. It’s also worth checking which measure they are using as some use the scale the opposite way. Usually what they are referring to is how much of the head they can feel above the pelvis so 1/5 isn’t much above which would mean more engaged (typically). This baby is head down (not engaged as of yesterday) but then body curves around and feet to the side so you could think they were transverse but actually they are just curved/balled up. If they said engaged then baby is head down. And babies can disengage so it’s all a guess!
@Lauren my midwife felt my stomach so she touched the pubic bone area to feel the head and then said 2/5 engaged meaning the head, this is my second baby so not sure if that means much to be honest like you said baby can still come at 40 weeks x
@Alina 👍🏼
How far engaged doesn't mean labour is near unfortunately! 😔
Babys head can dip in and out, so it's just a guide really depending where their head is in that particular moment when they check 😅
I was checked this week (also 36 weeks) and I am 4/5 engaged which is close. 5/5 is engaged x