Amazing! I just don’t know what one to go off the Facebook page or the early glimpse 😬😬x
Congratulations on your little girl
Do you have a pic of the scan on here?
I’m not sure I’ve not heard of early glimpse! I didn’t post on Facebook either just on here.
This was mine at 12 weeks 4 days
When we had our 12 week scan, we were offered to join a trial to develop 3D scans in early pregnancy but my sonographer was also trying to prove nub theory is a massive myth! Based on what she said I would probably go with boy 🤣 it’s fun guessing though isn’t it!
Oh really? I did think how true it is but it’s deffo fun guessing. We’re finding out at birth so super exciting x
We’re going to wait until they’re born too, it is so exciting to think about it 🥰
I know! I already have a baby girl so exciting to see what this one is x
My nub theory was right. 95% people said it's a girl and it was now confirmed at 20 weeks scan. Same for my first baby so it def worked for us.
Yes mine was bang on, everyone said girl and she’s a little girl💕