My baby doesn’t swallow food

I’ve noticed my daughter only swallows purées. If I give her things with texture for example toast, eggs, pasta she just keeps it in her mouth and only swallows if I follow it with water. Does anybody else’s baby do this?
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My son does that too.

My son too. He’s only just got his 2 bottom teeth through so I’ve wanted to start him with solids, we tried spaghetti bolognese and he kept it in his mouth the whole time and eventually choked on it. Slowly starting to add solids in but he’s having none of it

Totally normal. My baby does too. Occasionally he'll swallow actual finger food but I think it's not by choice.

I would say slow down, my son barely touches purées and has thickened milk he’s under salt and she won’t let him even touch a solid food yet, take it slow and steady xx

@Chelsie this is helpful to hear honestly I feel like there’s so much pressure to get them on solids. I’ll stick to purées for now

There’s no rush and ultimately you don’t want to create a food aversion; my son literally has like two spoonfuls of porridge and the dietician and SALT team are happy with that; there’s no rush just because others are doing it. My two year old was eating everything by 6 months, olives, steak, cheese, eggs and barely touched puree, my son on the other hand would rather milk and were struggling to get him to even eat porridge it’s a battle for sure but everyone’s journey is different xx

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