I have zero libido whilst breast feeding. My body in my mind is for my baby at the moment so I'm not in that frame of mind. We've not had sex once since baby arrived! My partner is super relaxed and understanding though so it's not a big deal for us at the moment. I do miss having a libido though as it kept me feeling good! X
Same as Alison for me!
If I had a partner it would be everyday to every other day but unfortunately I’m single 😂 so unlikely for me it’s never!
lol if my baby wasn’t attached to my hip maybe I’d be able to do it more often! My little man is no wing man that’s for sure 😂
I struggle with pain 3 weeks out of 4 in a month and that sometimes cuts the sex down! But if you speak with your partner there’s always ways around it! You’ve had a baby and nothings easy to get back into your lives are different now so don’t worry