Feeling the exact same way. I’ll be 35 weeks Sunday. Can’t walk, can barely move, can’t sleep cause i can’t get comfortable and wake up in so much pain, been to labor and delivery 3 times already. Having contractions too, and this girl has her foot all the way up in my ribs, and feels like she’s ready to pop out at any moment. 😭 Doctors tell me it’s normal and just stay hydrated. I’m MISERABLE.
35 weeks, 36 on Friday, feeling the EXACT same way 😭 told my fiancé it feels like my whole body has been beat with a baseball bat
I feel the same way!I’m 37 weeks today and feel miserable and ready for her to come.All my daughter wants to do is run around with me & I feel bad I can’t
At my hospital if you can make it to 36 there is no NICU stay unless they have a complication. I just kept giving mine pep talks about how many more days she had to stay so I didn’t have to go to The sister hospital and have a different doctor deliver her. She listened but is still coming out tomorrow at 37.
Thank you for posting. I feel the same way. My baby dropped at 33 weeks and has been kicking me in the ribs. The ultrasound tech was like “oh he is stretched out with his feet on your ribs and his head on your pelvic nerves.” I don’t want him to be early at all but my husband has been gone all pregnancy due to a deployment and this the first time I’m feeling overwhelmed with pain doing my everyday stuff. Plus, I’m exhausted with going to the doctor 3x a week (I’m diabetic) before my job. I still am working full time. Hubby is due back in 4/5 days but was supposed to be back today. I’m miserable and hanging on by a thread. I took time off starting this weekend and still plan on returning to work until delivery. I’m 35 +3. My personal goal is 38 but they are setting an inducement date in the 39th week. I hope we all find the strength to hold on!!!
Update I had my baby 1/18!! 4 weeks early exact, no NICU! 5lbs 13oz and healthy!❤️🙏
Girl, this is exactly how I feel. I feel absolutely miserable and I will be 35 weeks tomorrow. I can’t sleep at all. I can’t relax. I’m just uncomfortable all the time.