@Elena my girl is nearly 1, this is in relation to her not being able to self settle and needing to be rocked to sleep just for context. I just don’t want her to be left to cry herself to sleep 😢
Your not a push over . Dont listen to people, parent how you want to parent and what feels right to you as long as your child is happy, healthy and safe. Your mum, your word and actions are final and most important, it’s that simple
Might be worth sleep training there is plenty of methods where they don’t need to be left to cry.. but only you know your child and you do what works for you! If you don’t mind running to every cry then carry on if it bothers you then try change it x
If you are a pushover, then I'm a pushover x2; the smount of time my mom told me to.not rush to them is insane. Do what is best for your child and your family. I have two kids, 7 and 3, both breastfeed, and both never sleep trained (great sleepers, though), both need it to breastfeed to sleep, and after I wean them, they still need me to cuddle them, or tap them to fall asleep. To this day, I hear one of my kids crying or talking in their sleep, and both my husband and I rush to check on them, of course, we check first, but we don't wake them up; just stand in the door. My 7-year-old has night terrors, and there have been plenty of times that she wakes up in the middle of the night asking for cuddles otherwise she can't sleep. They both coslept and they are both currently sleeping in their beds. They are both extremely independent kids as well. All this just to say you are doing a great job.And if you don't like confrontation, you can just yes people to death and continue doing what you are doing.
That is such an old-fashioned opinion now. It is known as responsive parenting these days.
You're certainly not a pushover and it is certainly not wrong to respond to your child when they cry. People try to 'help' but as was said you're mum and you know your baby best and your circumstances best to approach situations in the best way. Yes sometimes our little ones are going to cry and we can't always immediately respond but personally if I respond as quickly as I can every time my little one cries. If you look online you'll find a minefield of articles and such that argue either for or against letting them cry. For example some say not responding to a crying infant can cause negative emotional development, others say its fine. I think no one really knows for sure and all you can do is what you believe is best and just understand and not judge others for doing the same.
Also by the way little ones can't self soothe. They can learn to self settle but that is a developmental thing they all learn in their own time whether you let them cry it out or continue to respond
You’re not a push over. Every one parents in different ways and you shouldn’t be judged because you don’t do what someone else expects you to do. Keep doing you x
Definitely not a pushover I hate that narrative so much. Imagine not comforting a crying child that wants their parent to comfort them??? Like why would I not? 😂
People don't have a say in that. Don't let them think they do. "Thanks but my role as a mom is to make sure my baby is ok and if he needs me, I will respond to him. But thanks for your concern".
I always go to my babies if they’re crying and I’ve had the same comments. At first I would listen to them and then feel really guilty afterwards. Now I just laugh it off and agree with them. For example if one of my twins cry’s and I go to get them and someone says ‘you’re creating a rod for your own back’ I’ll laugh and say I know then go and pick my baby up.
I always check on the monitor to see if she puts herself back to sleep and if she even slightly looks like she needs me I go straight to her, we co-sleep so I literally just need to feed her and she'll stay asleep. I can't imagine going through everything you do to have a baby and then not showing them I'm there when they need me
It all depends in my opinion. Age is a massive one.. if they’re newborn yes I would respond to every cry but now he’s 8.5 months i know that I don’t need to go rushing in because he may self soothe and not actually need me 🤷🏻♀️ you also learn what each cry is.. I know his in pain cry, hungry cry, moaning/whingy cry that he just wants attention etc..