Have you tried colief drops?
Have you tried grip water? Can have from 1 month old. Saw a massive change in my little girl once she started it x
We have used Gripe Water but not Colief, I’ll take a look - thank you. She is already on Abidec, Probiotics plus Gripe W, I feel like I’m just constantly giving her stuff.. poor girlie x
@Lauren check the probiotics, some babies react to them, my little one was extra gassy and uncomfortable on them. Check google but some babies do have side effects from them. We stopped giving them to our little girl x
@Leanne oh no, bless her! I was really mixed about trying them but we’ve just started this week as her consultant has suggested this could help. She was on antibiotics in NICU from birth so all her good gut bacteria was destroyed. I appreciate your advice and will certainly keep in mind.. thank you so much x
My little boy has just started on neocate for CMPA allergy about 7 weeks ago and is a completely different baby.. he’s now nearly 5 months old xx