Ours seems to drink a lot if milk. I feel like we get a gallon every other day!
Mine recommended 18 oz a day but he’s asking for at least 24oz. I hate to say no to milk if he wants it.
We give 12 oz. Two 6 oz bottles. 17 months.
Ours recommended 15oz. We do between 15-20 depending on how the day goes. But my guy is a really good eater. Also we brush our teeth twice a day. Especially good before bed after PM milk!
Our ped said max is 24 oz, our LB has about 16-20 oz per day.
When our LB was weaning off formula and drinking more than 24 oz, we were diluting the bottles with a few oz of water to meet his volume demand without going over the max.
At our last appt (15 month one) our ped recommended 12-14oz MAX a day. My daughter drinks maybe 1-2oz of milk a day though 😅 She’s not a fan, but I don’t blame her hahah