Birth story 💖

⭐️ Age you got pregnant: 21 ⭐️ Age you gave birth: 22 ⭐️ How far along when you found out: 37 weeks (or when my waters broke🫣) ⭐️ First symptoms? Constant reflux that docs said was only Gerd ⭐️ Morning sickness? No ⭐️ Cravings? Opposite! I went off most foods ⭐️ Due date: est 16th sept ⭐️ Birth date: 16th Aug ⭐️ Hours in labor? 20 mins active labour 😅 ⭐️Who was there? Mum and Aunt ⭐️ Pain management? None ⭐️ Induced? No ⭐️ Time of birth: 2:44am ⭐️ Weight: 5 lbs 8oz /2.6 kg ⭐️ Gender: Girl 💕 ⭐️ How old are they now: 5 months tomorrow!🥺💕
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You found out you were pregnant when your water broke???

Oh wow what a surprise that was! She’s soo cute! Glad she’s happy and healthy, that both of you are!

She’s adorable!! My son is also five months tomorrow!

@Katt ahh birthday twins!!

@Shevy yup! Fortunately she was all healthy 🥰

That’s the most epic story! I wish I didn’t have symptoms. Literally found out I was 2 weeks pregnant because I couldn’t stay away and couldn’t stop peeing and the symptoms just kept coming till I gave birth 🙈

Oh my gosh what a story!! You didn’t have a bump or anything? Thats incredible and look how adorable she is! When your waters broke didn’t you think you just wet yourself if you didn’t know you’re pregnant? So many questions it’s a super interesting story! Haha congrats xx

@katie that’s insane!

@Shamz I just thought i was getting a bit chubby! If I were to look back now I’d say I looked max 5 months pregnant. We thought it was going to be miscarriage originally, then a still birth once the waters had gone! Thank you so much xx

What about your periods did it come when your pregnant

@katie how did you react ?! I would freak out that’s a lot to take in at once. How brave xx

@katie that’s insane you had no idea til 37 weeks? Did you feel movements??

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