
So my I have put my son on cows milk has been on it for a week now. Only having 2 bottles a day. But I will not eat his tea. Eats lunch and breakfast fine but tea he wants nothing to do with. Any advise?
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My little one has been similar but off her breakfast aswell , I have actually decided to stop giving it to her for the moment as I think she might have an allergy to it as the colour of her stools went pale and she had flushed cheeks ( all signs of allergy according to nhs) we are on day 2 of no cows milk and she’s eating her breakfast again but still not her tea so we will see

No advice but same boat!

We started a week ago too - tho we are doing it oz at a time and currently are at 4ox formula 3oz milk. I also have used semi skimmed. Ive found he is less interested in his evening dinner too. But he eats great all day, so ive started giving him picky bits like fruit etc rather than dinner and he seems to be satisfied. Not sure if its just a phase or the milk xx

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