I'm anxious about choking so make everything bitesize so she needs to use her pincers. I have heard that they need to learn about their gagreflex so the bigger pieces help them in the long run.
It is horrible, I too was so anxious so only started with super soft foods like omelette, flakey fish, broccoli ect. I think it really is the only way as far as I know, I haven’t come across anyone that’s baby has chocked. Watching videos helped me too
I use solid starts app for guidances and at this age smaller pieces are more appropriate than bigger pieces.
Hi Lauren, one of my girls is similar, very greedy! She will also collect up lost of pieces of food at once and shove them in, and very often fills both hands with food and eats from both of them at the same time🫣 She has become much better at knowing now not to put large pieces into her mouth and simply swallowing, but it took a lot of practice. I too started to break food up into pieces but whilst it helps in the immediate it doesn’t in the long run, as they simply don’t figure out how to not do it. I do still break up meats in to super thin strips because it makes me anxious, otherwise I give her full strips now. Practice is the best way to learn. I also eat with her in a exaggerated way and she definitely copies me. Start with longer, thinner strips that way there’s enough to hold but if thinner less of it.