Best way to potty train puppy without hitting

I've never had a puppy before, always rescued older dos who were about to pass or be euthanized so at least they'd get a loving home in the end. I went to a shelter & there was a puppy who was set to be euthanized in 2 days so I decided to get her along with a 14yr old lab. Well I now have to clean up poop & pee from both lol. The lab has a very leaky bladder & my puppy is a puppy ofc. Ik there's not much I could do for the lab bc she's just an old gal. But I posted on Facebook how to potty my mutt pup & ong so many people said to put her face near it & spank her like she's literally 4months. That's crazy someone suggested spanking both. That's like punishing an old woman & infant. Does anyone have normal non abusive tips please? Like positive ways to potty train? Again not so much for the lab bc we're just going to get her diapers but fir my little mutt pup
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You can try ringing a bell. Place a bell at nose height near the door you will be letting your pup out. You have to kind of encourage her the first few times (or literally just lift her into the bell) and then take her outside so she associates ringing the bell with going outside. I would take her out on a leash at first so she knows the bell if for potty only, not just a free for all to go outside and play. Wait for her to potty outside and then reward with treats then come back inside. No playing because again, you want to associate the bell with pottying. Depending on how many months she is, that’s how often you should take her out (4 months, at least every 4 hours). But this has worked well for both of my dogs! Only downside is you’ll have to take the bell with you if you are going to another’s house while you are still potty training!

Bring outside every 30 mins to and hour. When not feasible crate train. Tether to you so you will notice signs of needing to potty (circling/sniffing) and they won't run off to another room to do it. When you bring outside say "go potty" and have a Treat pouch and always praise and give treats when they use the bathroom outside immediately once they use potty.

It’s literally like having a baby. You have to let them outside every hour even at night until they’re old enough to hold it. Follow the pup outside and reward when she goes potty outside. You can use a training clicker too to indicate that she’s doing the right thing. Ultimately you have to remember that if they use the bathroom inside it’s on you because they literally can’t hold it. Sucks a lot at first but they learn quick. Also I agree with the previous comment too. No playing outside until she learns so there’s no confusion.

You reward them everything they go outside and set up a routine that's age appropriate.

That chart is AWESOME. But it really does elude to basically every 30 min haha! Even night time! Gotta set an alarm and do the phrase/treat/praise every time. We got a fake grass mat outside to match one on a tray inside and it helped with the transition of not being home always, and letting her be in a safe confined space with her crate and the pee pad with the fake grass on top to make that association with this is the place to pee if I’m not outside.

@Kelsey Oh yeah, even I didn't take him outside that often at nighttime haha. At nighttime I took him out twice each night for the first 6 to 8 weeks. Daytime I did every 40 to 80 minutes on my days off but Monday through Friday it was more like every 2.5 to 3 hours and kept him close by in between. Thank goodness I was working from home then.

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