My little girl is 18 weeks and we don’t have a set routine yet. I remember being the same with her sister at this stage too. I think it was around 5/6 months when I noticed a pattern to nap times and that’s when I started to put her down for them at certain times rather than just going with the flow x
You can adjust the “eat sleep play” schedule based on how long her wake windows typically are
My daughter is 16 weeks and stays up for about and hr and a half between naps. So depending when she wake in the am that’s when I start. Naps vary from 2hrs down to half hour and I follow her lead.
We have 7pm till 7.15am night sleep, then nap at 9 up to an hour, second nap at 12 for 2 hours, and last nap at 4 up to an hour. I introduced it last week as she seemed ready for it, she is 15 weeks now. If she wakes up at noon earlier than in 2 hours I just help her settle back to sleep. She used to like napping longer either in the morning or in the afternoon but I think this new schedule has been working good so far, she seems to have more energy in the afternoon and evening. I read babies this age shouldnt be awake for longer than 2 hours at the time and prefer the first wake window shorter than others.
My lb is 20 weeks and we follow feed,wake,sleep like @Rachel mentioned. His wake window is around 2 hours and I’ve noticed it stretching to 2 1/2 hours in the last few days. After which he usually shows signs of sleepiness just low energy and rubbing his eyes, if I leave it too long he does get irritable too. Then he goes into his bassinet for a nap. Mind you, he doesn’t always show cues for tiredness, but I’ll take him to the bassinet let him play about but have the noise machine on, blanket on, and the blinds rolled down - usually starts to drift to sleep then
I do the same as Rachel and Taniya. Sleep, eat and play and now I know my babies sleep window is between 1.5/2 hours but recently has been stretching a little longer he is four months old and more then often shows the sleepy cues then I will play music rock him and but him to sleep upstairs. He has about 4/5 30-45 mins naps xx
Huckleberry was a life saver for sleep time too
The schedule that helped me the most is “sleep, eat, play” So when my 5 month old wakes up I feed her, change her and get her dressed, then take her downstairs to play for 2-3 hours then she goes down for about a 2-3 hour nap. Then I rinse and repeat. After that we have a couple hours until dad gets home, we have dinner, she takes a bath, and then it’s off to bed :)