TW Baby blues

I have just had my baby 9 days ago and I have a supportive family and husband around me but I’m really struggling mentally. My family lives in a different country and they’re only here temporarily to help with the baby. Ever since I had my baby I’m crying non-stop and lost my appetite. I can’t stop worrying about everything such as how I’ll take care of this baby on my own when my family leaves and how the rest of my life will be. I feel so lonely even though I’m not alone and I have no interest in anything. Baby will not sleep in her moses basket and I have to hold her all night so I’m not getting any sleep. I stay up all night and that’s when I’m at my worst state. I don’t know what to do to feel better and I’m worried this may turn into post partum depression. Has anyone gone through this and got better?
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My mum said when I was pregnant, all women get the baby blues. You have to pull yourself out of it. Idk why, but I remembered that and it really did make me realise only I can make me feel better, and I have to do it for me and my baby. My baby never slept either, but it DOES get better. Have you checked things like lip and tongue tie? Or have you tried a crib? X

First you’re doing a great job and as long as baby is fed and healthy that’s all that matters. It’s normal to feel this way. I cried all the time the first month after my baby was born. It was worse in the evening. Everything just felt so overwhelming. I want to let you know that you will feel better and this feeeling will subside. I started to feel better about 3 months postpartum although I still had my struggles. At almost 6 months I definitely feel a lot better.

I struggle a lot to emotionally and mentally and my baby is easy. I question every little thing and spend so much time googling it all. PP makes me feel shitty and I cry a lot too - it’s been almost eight weeks. Just know that you’re doing good and like Jacqueline said, as long as the baby is eating well and healthy, know that what you’re doing works and is all that’s needed. Do you have someone to talk too? Rely on your partner the most if he can offer the support. Try to have him help you with the baby so you can take moments for yourself and rest. Know that you can take contact sleep with your baby on you, if you’re scared, have them while your husband is in the house so he can watch you if anything. Try to not fight anything, just go with the flow - I’m doing the opposite and it does driving me nuts but I’m a control freak so ^^ if you need to talk to someone, don’t hesitate to seek help. Do you have a new mom friend in your circle?

First of all you are not alone, so many more women go through this than you think. I went through the exact same thing at the beginning after my baby was born. I just felt so isolated and on the brink of tears all the time questioning absolutely everything. And the nights were the worst. My baby is 6 months old now & it definitely gets better trust me! Make sure to lean on family, friends and your husband as much as you need to. Feel free to message me directly if you want. xx

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