I was the same. From reading other posts about this, they said it is still classed as 4oz. So I have been classing it as 4oz.
It’s still ‘technically’ a 4oz bottle, just the volume is more due to the formula you add. I know it’s a little confusing but don’t worry too much about how much baby is having as long as they are gaining weight, seem full and happy 😊
The amount of scoops equal the oz they're having
@Lynds that’s what I do, don’t worry! But it still makes the volume of the water more when you add the scoops
@Vanessa awesome thank you!
@Leanne ah thank you! That’s really helpful!
You gotta put the hot water in first to the 4oz line then 4 scoops of formula to make it a 4oz bottle 😅