Thoughts on...

What are your thoughts on Zoey Opal? I Iove the name Zoey and want to honour my dad with the middle name - his birthstone was Opal. His name is Robert and the only variations I've seen that I like are Bobbi (doesn't go with our surname) or Robyn which I'm not 100% on x
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I like it!!

I like it a lot

Opal is such a beautiful name and the perfect tribute to your dad! 💕 another idea would be to use the flower of your dad's birth month - which I'm guessing is October, based on his birthstone - which would be Marigold.

That’s beautiful!!!

Thanks everyone ❤️ @Madelina ♡ I think of the cleaning gloves when I say Marigold 🙈

Personally I don't think it works. They sound too similar with the O sound in each so phonetically it's jarring. They also don't go together stylistically. But that's just my opinion

Love Opal! You could also do Zoey Maple (oct birth wood)

@Nell I just love the two names but I've said them together that many times I can't decide if it goes or not lol. Totally allowed your opinion especially as I've asked for it xx @TAS thanks for giving another option. I'm not sure I could use it though I know quite a few people with pets called Maple 🙈 x

I love the meaning but together I feel like they don’t roll off the tongue. Is there another way to honor your dad? A play on his first or middle name. Even last name? A favorite song? Place?

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