Do you go out with your toddler to do something for them every day?

Or do you have some days at home and just play games at home too.
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I find it less stressful to take them out! Being home just makes me want to do chores lol

If the weather is manageable and we are healthy then yes we go out every day. I don’t drive so the weather can be limiting at times.

Does a long (like 1hr+) walk count? The walk is really more for me, but we do get out of the house. If we stay home all day, it's because I'm overloaded. We go to mom's group 2 days a week and the library every week or two weeks... or whenever I can get my life together, haha. We max out on books, so it takes some preparation to get them all together.

We love the library and the children’s museum here(Austin) is free for us since I’m lower income and get snap food benefits! So when we get the chance we do the childrens museum! I don’t like going on the weekends anymore as it’s just too crowded compared to weekdays! We also have some nice parks around us! I don’t drive right now but my dad will give us rides often so it doesn’t hinder us. My son is 4 and in school from 8-3 mon thru Friday and I’m 30 weeks pregnant currently so I am taking advantage of being able to rest when I need to while he’s at school! This summer I feel like is gonna be a bit wild as my 4 yr old thrives on routine and I’m more so just like let’s do whatever so I do want to establish a routine for his sake so I’m sure we will figure one out with new baby added to the mix too!

Oh I also do a women’s Bible study every Wednesday and my 4 year old does cubbies which is a program for the littles like kids Bible study. He absolutely loves church and playing with other kids so it’s nice to have a bit of time with other women who are super supportive too for my own mental health

We do library toddler story times and other free toddler activities. The only day of the week that I don't have something is Wednesdays.

During good weather we go out everyday except Wednesdays. We might take a walk on Wednesdays but this is my prep day so it all depends on what I need to get done. Being at home all day with a toddler is hard so I try to break it up by going places in the morning. Right now most days are below freezing and there is ice everywhere so we go for a walk around our complex instead of driving anywhere.

He has Baby bounce/storytime on 3 days a week and a mothers group, and I’ll try to fit in a day for a sahm day out. Mondays is my chill days. If I stay home for any day it’ll onIy be Mondays. Friday night I go out and maybe Sat night so Sat and Sun is all family time, I’m either w my sisters or my friends but w the partners too. This Sat me and a gf is going to a water adventure park, I went on Sat w my bestie so that’s a whole 8 hour outing, 2 weeks in a row. We get there at 11ish leave at 6 and 1hr there 1hr back. Big day 😂 it’s the school holidays here 💁🏻‍♀️

I take my 3 year year old for walks sometimes or just have her play in yard. Sometimes take her to the park or a walk. Or even a drive honestly

We mostly stay home in the winter due to everything costing money/ we don’t really get snow here anymore (plus I have severe emetophobia) but in the summer time we are mainly at the parks 💕

We do something most days, even if it's just going to the grocery store. Other cheap outings are library, gym, public pool, park, nature walk, and coffee shop (I get a latte and we share a baked treat).

Yes! We tend to do something everyday. Before she was at school it could be a trip to soft play or something that cost money but that was more of a treat. So usually it would be a bike or scooter ride, trip to the park, picnic outside etc. or we would do arts and crafts, a messy play activity, painting etc. sometimes we did more than one a day

We go for walks everyday but that’s about it. We’ve been lucky with weather that isn’t too horrible though

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